Yes, your orginal save game & progress will work on the GOTY version. Following these steps assumes you are using the same Games for Windows Live ID for both versions of Arkham City.1. Run the GOTY edition and start a save file in each of the 4 slots (you probably only need to create a save in the same slot that your original save is in).2.
Exit the game and browse to your original Arkham City folder. For most people on Windows 7, the folder should be: C:program files (x86)steamuserdataYour User Number57400remote3. Copy the files located here to your desktop to back them up. The files should be named Games for Windows Live ID-save#.sgd. The # can be 0, 1, 2, or 3 depending on the slot your saves are in.4. Copy these files to the following directory, replacing the contents: C:program files (x86)steamuserdataYour User Number200260remote5. Run the GOTY edition and your save games & progress should appear in the save slots.Hope this helps!
Save for Batman Arkham City. Post Views: 93,634. Savegame for Batman Arkham City The game done 100%! – Subject campaign passed by 100% – All additional assignments are made. – All the trophies and riddles collected Ridler – All characters unlocked trophies-– All concept art open. Once you have opened your Documents folder proceed to WB Games Batman Arkham City GOTY BMGame Config. Inside this folder locate and open the BmEngine.ini file. In this file if the text line 'Language=' is set to a valid 3-letter code then Arkham City will use that language.
You probably should make a guide instead of a topic that is easily lost in the discussion section.If you do, you could also add a part about transfering a retail game save to a steam game. Turmoil game online. It's in fact quite easy if you know what to do:1/ go to./My Documents/WB Games/Batman Arkham City/SaveData/2/ copy the save#.sgd (# is the number of the save) into username-save#.sgd of the correct steam remote folder (57400 or 200260 depending of the standart or GotY edition)3/ use an hex editor to open the.sgd file4/ delete the first octet (first 4 hexademical numbers, for the save0 its those just before '6C767334', or 'lvs4' in text mode)5/ save the file6/???7/ Profit!