Condemned 2 Bloodshot Review

Condemned 2 Bloodshot Review


Good game can be scary has lots of illegal drug use and alcohol

The game starts of with a cut scene looking like a character is about to drink vodka and gets drunk that’s how the game starts the game is pretty scary but not as a scary as alien isolation, and outlast it’s also kind of gory multiple gore scenes this game I recommend for 18+ because is a lot of adult themes.

Mar 18, 2008  Condemned 2: Bloodshot is pretty engaging, the romance of this game has to be the atmosphere, in which it hits its goal dead on. The melee Condemned 2: Bloodshot is pretty engaging, the romance of this game has to be the atmosphere, in which it hits its goal dead on. The melee system is a bit cumbersome and can take more than a hour or two to.

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Violence & scariness

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Lots of heavy alcoholism

Condemned 2 Bloodshot Review
This is a great horror game but has lots of alcohol usage in it if you played gta 5 before than play this

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Concerns about Condemned 2

Very fun and exciting game. There is some language present but not to much, the M rating is mostly because of the horror and violence. I could possibly recommend it to teens 14+

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A sick and gory game

This game is almost as sick if not even worse then manhunt dont get me wrong i liked this game but to say this game is 14+ is just wrong but i guess its because most people here are kids. I would never let my kids play it until they are 18 its gory,sick,disturbing and brutal and one hell of a game if you like to kick some ass i would recommend it to people of 18+

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The story line is very spot on with this dark survival horror game, a little violent but it fits with the story. Very fun game though.

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.Game Informer writes: 'Animal remains and other filth crunch underfoot as you make your way through the decayed rooms of an abandoned doll factory. Klanghelm vu meter. A deserted floodlight splashes your shadow across some peeling wallpaper. You hear mechanical dolls crawling towards you somewhere in the dark. Then miraculously, and without your consent, the shadow in front of you begins to move, and you realize, with horror, that it doesn't belong to you.Bloodshot is an atmospheric powerhouse. I haven't admired a game's environments this much since BioShock, and the game has plenty of tense moments that will leave you hyperventilating like a chubby marine about to charge Omaha beach. Which is why – since Condemned excels so well in certain areas – that it's a little sad the game falters, if only slightly, in a few other places.'


4421d ago (Edited 4421d ago )That type of comment is completely uncalled for. Accusing any website of that type of behavior without information to back up your claim is detrimental to the site's community but to every gaming community at large. Just because an individual reviewer does not agree with you does not give you the right to say such garbage. Disagree with his opinion, and go find another reviewer that has similar tastes to you and follow their advice.The irony of your post is that one Destructoid's members is an actual employee at Game Informer. 4421d ago (Edited 4421d ago )Either that, or someone that didn't actually read Destructoid's review of the game.Why would you have someone who hates FPS review a FPS? Does that make sense? Why would you let someone who hates hockey review an NHL game?

This is why Game Informer is as good as it is. It's called the second opinion. That way one person isn't a single point failure and the masses don't put too much faith in the word of one close-minded person.Also, there's not much irony in having someone from Destructoid work for Game Informer also.

I'm sure even the janitors where I work have a website. 4421d agoYes ive played the game and there no Fuc#$%@ way that it deserves a 3. Id say 7 in the worst review mabe, Id give it an 8.5-9 so far. Giving this game a 3 makes the person who did it seem like a complete tool. I hope it wasnt you.

Really, if someone gave this game a 3 then they have no business rewiewing games. Its that simple. The game is prety much different from all other games and if that makes it deserve a 3 then this site, whatever its called, is pathetic. Did the person who reviewed it thik it was a classic FPS whrere you carry hundreds of bullets and 10 guns in your pocket?

Did they think it was supposed to be an RPG with a spiky blond dude and a big sword? Or were they just unable to pass the first level and reviewed it anyways.

Id saythat the completly unique gamplay alone makes this game deserve at least a 6, plus the grafix, upgrades, atmosphere. Id like to know what they gave the original because this game improved on every aspect of that. Upset dude, I understand its an opinion but it is either really biaased or the person who reviewed it obviously has no idea what a good game should be.

Condemned 2 Bloodshot Review
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