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Apr 15, 2018 Football Manager has made its way to the Nintendo Switch. I decided to give you a first impressions, rather than a full review of the game since it's still far too early to tell. The developers of the series decided to go the extra mile and consider player feedback from Football Manager 2018. Both Touch and PC.
Football Manager Touch 2018 is the first game of the Football Manager series to land on the Nintendo Switch and while it may not be the definite version of Football Manager 2018, it's certainly a successful adaptation to the Nintendo Switch format. Thanks to its quick-paced fluid gameplay, the game can be easily played on a handheld basis and its interface fits the Nintendo Switch touch screen perfectly. While there are technical issues to solve and the game lacks an online component, this version of Football Manager is certainly a welcome contribution to the Nintendo Switch catalog. I think the Nintendo Switch is a very viable platform for Football Manager.
I mean, it already works on a tablet - problem is, the Switch is I think the Nintendo Switch is a very viable platform for Football Manager. I mean, it already works on a tablet - problem is, the Switch is more than a mere tablet and this game fails to take that into account. For instance, playing in Docked mode is a huge burden, for the game does not take into account two things: first, the fact the Joy-Con can be adapted to work like a mouse and make moving much faster (you are forced to navigate with the analog pads); second, the game could make use of a higher resolution when in Docked mode (and, just like the PC version, adapt the screen to show more things). This makes Portable mode the only enjoyable way to play this game. Which kind of contradicts with the idea of the Switch. Apart from that (and the inability to use mods) it's a well-made port. It just needs to make better use of the platform.
Football Manager is Football Manager - always brilliant. However it is not designed to be played on a switch. I can't fault SI for this, the Football Manager is Football Manager - always brilliant.
However it is not designed to be played on a switch. I can't fault SI for this, the UI will always be infinitely easier to navigate with a mouse and keyboard. If getting the game on the switch is your only option I would recommend investing, however, the portability of this version doesn't come close to outweighing how much easier the game is to play on PC.