Forsaken World Races And Classes

Forsaken World Races And Classes

What class will you choose? This is the first question you have to answer when playing. The game offers five playable races: Kindred, Dwarves, Humans, Elves and Stonemen and 8 playable classes:Warrior, Protector, Assassin, Marksman, Mage, Priest, Vampire and Bard.Some classes are exclusive for some particular races, for example, onlydwarves are able to be marksmen. Namely, your choice of the racedetermines your class.

Well, how to choose your favorite class? Next, Iwill make an analysis of all classes from the point of leveling up,challenging instances and PK.Indispensable All-round Classes: Protector and PriestProtectors and priests are the most popular and indispensable inleveling up, challenging instances or group PK, but they also havedrawbacks.ProtectorFirst, let me talk about protectors. They are a particular class forstonemen and can be called main tanks with gigantic statures. Only malecharacters are qualified to choose this class. Players who have a loveof beauty had better not choose to be main tanks, for they are far fromimaginary handsome guys.As the name implies, protectors are able to safeguard teammates.Thus, protectors play a key role in a group. They must attract monsterswhile leveling up, resist attacks while challenging bosses and chargeforward ahead of allies in Group PK. Instead of good equipment, they aremainly in pursuit of high defense and HP.

“Sin Breaker” is the only class playable for the new Demon race, with their main weapons being the trident and able to dish out massive AOE. These are currently all races known within Forsaken World. Subject to change.

Dynasty warriors 7 empires download. In this title, a variety of modes have been made available, allowing you to experience intense, thrilling action.Also, a plethora of downloadable content has been included.In addition to the full collection of scenarios from previous versions of the game, a variety of weapons, outfits, and BGM are also included! Put your technique to the test with 4 unique courses in Challenge Mode.

Although they are a bit weakin attack, they are essential for a group. In the meantime, leaving agroup, they cannot give full play to their function.Priests are irreplaceable in Forsaken World. First, they have uniquerevival skills, which are the only way allowing players revive wherethey are. It is not clear whether revival pills will be released later.Second, they have healing skills to recover HP. In the game, theirhealing skills can restore HP more quickly and conveniently than otherways.


Therefore, priests are an indispensable class in a group. However,due to their low attack, low defense and low HP, it is difficult forpriests to do quests or kill monsters alone. They are born to be a partof a group and they can hardly go through all difficulties without agroup. Both humans and elves can choose to be priests.

Human priestshave a race skill to restore full MP instantly and are able to restore alarge number of HP at a time. Elf priests look very beautiful and canrestore HP continuously, but they restore less HP every time.Priest. Group Attack Classes: Mage and MarksmanIt is unnecessary to go into details about mages. As we all know,they are a class capable of attacking a group in all MMOs. It is noteasy for them to level up in the game on their own, either. They'dbetter count on training in a group.

Humans and the Kindred arequalified to be mages.Strictly speaking, marksmen are not a group attack class. In theearly stage, a lot of marksmen choose the Fire talent for the sake ofraising their levels, so they become a group attack class after level30. No matter in doing practice, activities or leveling up, this groupattack class is more popular than marksmen who are a single attack classwith the Snipe or Shoot talents.

As long as marksmen achieve thehighest level, they can choose two talents and act as the main force in asingle PK. Marksmen are a class exclusive for dwarves.MageMageMarksmanMarksmanPeripheral Classes: Vampire and BardVampires and bards are intermediate classes between damage output andassistance. It can be said that the road of vampires is full ofvariability.

To level up and challenge instances, vampires are easilyreduced to being the secondary healers because of their supplementary HPrecovery skill. They are a special class for the Kindred.Bards canproduce various buffs, like attack and defense bonuses. In the earlydays, they have significant effects, but their buffs seem to benegligible in the later stage when players' attack is generally high.Fortunately, bards have a group buff, so they are needed in manyinstances.

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Bards are placed in an awkward position, assisting priests inrecovering HP. They are a class peculiar to elves.VampireBard.

Forsaken World Races And Classes
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