Starship Titanic Music Room

Starship Titanic Music Room

Starship Titanic is a first-person adventure game designed by Douglas Adams, author of The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, and the studio The Digital Village.It was published by Simon & Schuster Interactive for the PC in 1998. The game tasks the player with exploring and repairing an enormous interstellar luxury cruise ship. The Succ-U-Bus will blow air into the bottom of the light and out will pop Titania s nose. You can then put the hose back into your bag. While you re still in the Parrot Lobby go to the Chevron List and save the Chevron.Making Music: Go to the Pellerator from the Parrot Lobby and push the button to go to the music room.


TheParrot and The Pistachios
Mixinga Drink (1st Class Drink)
HotChicken and A Bizzare Weather
Returnto Reality
Titania'sPart Table


'The shipthat could not possibly go wrong ...'
That's the begining of this 'shortand easy' adventure (it should have been an interesting game if not becauseof the short story). Basically you have to collect several parts of Titania'sbody that were scattered around the ship (ears, nose, eyes, etc), assemblythem, then use Titania to fly back to your homeworld. Sounds too easy ???Let's just see if it's really that simple ....

As usual to begin an adventuregame, you have to insert the Starship Titanic CD in your computer (yeah...I'm not joking. It's actually happen inside the game). Anyway, the Titanicship will crash down and land at your house. Now it's up to you to fixthis big ship and come back safely to your house. Answer all the questionand don't forget to bring your picture of the house. Climb in and enterthe elevator. Push that top button and you're ready to begin this adventure.


MainGoal :Find your room and settle down

Q : Whatshould I do in this big lobby ?
A :Go to the receptionist desk and talk to the DeskBot. Choose whatever roomstyle that you like because in the end you'll have your Super GalacticTraveller class room (the style will only point to different rooms butin the same class).

Q : Whereis my room ?
A :Look at your Super Galactic Traveller card and go to the appropriate elevatorat the Top of the Well. There are 4 elevators there. Choose the one thatyou're assigned. When you've already at the correct floor, you could lookup to see where's your room. Use the small elevator in each column to climbup if your room in the second or first row.

Q : Iwant to watch TV in my room. How could I do that ?
A :Use your PET to make it happen. Choose this order : 'Deploy the PersonalMaintenance hub, Horizontal Worksurface, Horizontally Mobile Storage Compartment,and The Fully Recumbent Relaxation Device. Inflate the Bed and finallyOperate the Visual Entertainment Device'. Now you could climb on your bedand watch the TV. Pffuuuhhh, that much effort for only watching the TV???

Q : InChannel 3 I see a free magazine. Where could I get it ?
A :Go out from your room and go to the Succ-U-Bus at the corner of the alley.Press 'receive' to get your magazine.

Q : TheSucc-U-Bus doesn't work. What should I do ?
A :It said something about the central device doesn't work. Ask the Bot aboutit and find out that there's a Mother Succ-U-Bus somewhere in the ship.It control all the Succ-U-Bus machine in the ship. It seems that she'ssick right now so she couldn't work properly.

Q : Whereis this Mother Succ-U-Bus ?
A :It's inside the Bilge room. You could access this room via the Serviceelevator inside the Embarkation Lobby. Push the appropriate elevator button.

Q: What should I do to help her .. errrr it ?
A :Something blocks its mouth. Go to Parrot Room at the Top of the Well. Grabthe parrot and then leave the room. The parrot will be fly away and you'llbe left with a feather. Activate Mother Succ-U-Bus and put the featherin the tray, the press 'Send'. That should do it. Get the Titania'sOlfactory Center and the Blue Fuse from it. Now you could receivedyour free magazine from the Succ-U-Bus upstair.

SpecialNote : This move is an optional only

Q : Howdo I disarm the bomb in the room beside Titania's room ?
A :Remember what the BellBot tell you ?? Nobody likes a smart ass .. That'sthe word that you should set on the bomb's keyboard to disarm it.


MainGoals :Find Titania's eye and ear

Q : Howcould I upgrade to 2nd Class Passenger ?
A :It's easy. Just bring the magazine to the DeskBot and she'll give you anupgrade.

Q : What'sreally going on in this ship anyway ?
A :In one of the room in Titania's floor (the one that has a fusebox in it),you'll find a computer. If you could find a way to check the E-mail insidethat computer, you'll know exactly what has happened with the ship. Youcould use the staircase at the Top of The Well to access Titania's floor.

Q : Whatare the passwords to that E-mails ?
A :The passwords are hidden inside the Creator's room. The passwords are writtenbehind that three busts (remember the name of each busts and its position,you'll need them as a username). You have to find a way to break thosebusts. A clue : 'maybe a short circuit may help'.

Q: How could I break the busts ?
A :Go to Fuse room. Open the fusebox, turn the red switch sideways, and removethe red fuse. That will 'break' the lever in Creator's room. Go back toCreator's room and pull down the lever next to the entrance door. Thatwill blow away the busts. Now read all those passwords : THIS, THAT, andOTHER. Now head back to the computer in Fuse room. Log in. The usernameare : BROBOSTIGON, LEOVINUS, and SCRALIONTIS. Read all the E-mails. Itwill tell you about Titania and the important role of the parrot. Afterall this parrot has a use.
Q: One of the elevator at The Top of The Well isn't working. How could Irepair it ?
A :Most probably, the broken elevator is number 4. Head to the Bottom of theWell via one of the elevator that available (simply by typing 'Bottom ofthe Well' when the LiftBot ask you). Get the LiftBot head on the floor.Now check channel 5 (you could use any TV, like in the Parrot Room). Noticethe floor number. Now take the elevator next to the broken one to the flooryou saw on TV. From that floor, you could enter the broken elevator. Takethe sphere (hey .. it's Titania's Eye)and replace it with LiftBot head. Now it's working properly.

Q : Theparrot keep on whining about 'pistachios'. What the heck is that ?
A :If you've gone to your room (your 2nd Class room), you'll notice that there'sa food called 'pistachios' on the bowl next to the bed. You couldn't bringthe pistachios to the parrot, so how about ... bring the parrot to thepistachios.


Q: How could I bring the parrot to my room ? He won't come out from theParrot room.
A :Use the Succ-U-Bus in the parrot room. Grab the parrot and put him in theSucc-U-Bus tray. Then press 'Send'. Now head to your 2nd Class room andstraight to your personal Succ-U-Bus. Press 'receive' and take the cylinder.The parrot will be freed and fly inside the room. If you are in the correctroom, as soon as you click on the bowl of pistachios, the parrot will flyto it and eat them. Click on the handle to release the bowl. Get the bowl.Hey .. it's Titania's ear.


MainGoals :Get Titania's eye and nose

Q : Howcould I upgrade to 1st Class ?
A :Easy,go ask the DeskBot again. But this time .... she's not that co-operative.

Q : Howcould I make the DeskBot more cooperative ?
A :Go to the Sculpture room and adjust the two sliders on her statue there(at least .. just like her) until the setting on the side of your PETturn to yellow. Now you could ask her again for an upgrade (keyword : 'CanI have an upgrade ? / I need an upgrade').

Q: What should I do now, there's nothing in my 1st class room ?
A :Turn on the TV and watch channel 4. Notice that it views one of the FirstClass room (this TV must be connected to Titania's eye). Re-create yourdesigner room number with the one you saw through the TV (remember: It'sa MIRROR, so re-create it upside-down). Do that by holding your SHIFT keyand clicking on the room chevron. Go to this room (it's always be at Floor7, Elevator 2, and Room 3).
Q: Where's the eye ?
A :Examine carefully at those four lights at the center. One of them is loose.Call the BellBot and tell him to 'Get the brokenlight'. That's it : the Titania'seye.
Q: What should I do now ?
A :Now you could go to the bar through the Pellerator (in front of the elevator).Look at the TV and remember those recepies. You need to make that mixeddrink. Ring the bell and take that empty glass on the bar.

Q : Wherecould I get 'Crushed Television' ?
A :First you have to crush a TV first. Go to Parrot Room (Top of the Well)and call the BellBot. Order him to 'Throw theTV'. Go to the bottom of the well via the elevator and takethe crushed Television. Don't delay your move or you'll loose it.

Q : Wherecould I get the Pureed Starlings ?
A :Find a chicken to produce one (it should be a lot at the Promenade deck.You could check it out). Go to Titania's room and enter the Fuse room.Insert the blue fuse, turn the blue knob sideways, and take the yellowfuse. It should wreck the fan at Promenade deck. Now use the Pelleratorand go to Promenade deck. Approach the fan. Turn it on and set the speedto fast. The fan will slash the chickens. Go back to the Top of the Welland head to any restaurant in SGL Class floor (28-35). Click the switchfor a chicken (beside the door) and then insert the chicken under the leftmostdispenser. Use the empty glass under the chicken to get the Pureed Starlings.Q : Wherecould I get the lemon ?
A :If you ask about a lemon to the DoorBot, he'll tell you to go to Arboretum.Take the Gondola at the Top of the Well (near the Parrot Room) to the Arboretum.Open the curtain. You'll see a lemon tree. Hmmm.. your arm is not longenough.

Q : Wherecould I find a stick to get the lemon ?
A :There'sone at the Parrot Room but it's not long enough. There's also another longstick at SGT Class Floor (inside a glass case in the small back room).You'll need something to break the case: a HAMMER.

Q : Wherecould I get the hammer ?
A :Get the short stick on the bags in Parrot room. Bring it to Promenade deckand approach the Hammer Dispenser. Use it to push the button (3 times,you'll hear a sound each time you make a correct move) and get the hammer.Go to the small back room at SGT Class Floor. Break the case with the hammer.Get the long stick and go to Arboretum. Knock the lemon off the tree withthe stick. Take it and go directly to the Restaurant.

Q: How could I make the bartender mix the drink ?
A :Ring the bell and give all the ingredients to the BarBot. Answer : 'PureedStarlings'. Tell him to 'Get the vodka'.He'll make the drink. When he's drunk grab that Titania'spiece on the bar.

Q: There must be something about the parrot. He keeps on saying don't gonear the broken light.
A :He'sgiving you a clue. If someone said don't go nearby, just GO THERE. Examinethe broken light in the Parrot Room. Something's wrong here, hmmm did Isee something stuck in there ?? Go to Arboretum and grab the hose on theleft wall. Go back to Parrot Room and stick the hose to the light. Insertthe other end to the Succ-U-Bus. Watch him blow the hose. Go back to thatbroken light fixture and get Titania'snose !!!


MainGoals :Get Titania's Auditory Center

Q : TheMaitre'D Bot in the restaurant is in a bad mood. Something wrong with him,maybe because the music is bad .. How could I fix it ?
A :Try to find a substitute for that. Go to the Music Room. You'll see chairsand a control panel there. You have to copy the settings on the chairson the control panel. Then press the red button to make a good music. Soundseasy .. It's actually very easy ...

Q: What is the easy way to compose a good music ?
A :The answer is on the back cover of your gamebox. Look at this picture tohelp you.

When you've set everythingright, all the green lights should be lit. All four instruments will stopat the same time with a 'ping' sound. Turn around and approach the phonograph.Press 'record (the circle button)' and go back to control panel again andplay the music until it reach the end. Turn around again and push 'stop(the square button)'. Play it again to make sure (the triangle button).Eject the cylinder (push the square button twice) and take it. Don't forgetto take the phonograph ear, which is the Titania'sear.
Q : Where is the key tounlock the music box outside the restaurant ?
A : Thekey is inside the restaurant, on Scranliontis' table. But .. you haveto pass Maitre'D Bot first.

Q: How could I pass the Maitre'D Bot ?
A : Ripout his arm and keep on poking him at his buttock until he gives up. He'llstart complaining if you hit the right spot. After you defeat him, he'llallow you to sit at Scraliontis' table. Take the napkin, the green fuse,and Maitre'D Bot's other arm. His arm is holding the key to unlock themusicbox outside. Go out and unlock the box. Eject the cylinder and replaceit with the one you have. Then play it. If your music is good, you'll seeMaitre'D Bot relax again in the restaurant. He'll give you the Titania'sAuditory Center. If not you have to re-record it again in themusic room.


Main Goals :Getthe final parts of Titania

Q : I couldn't getthat stick inside the parrot's cage. What should I do ?
A : Tryto distract the parrot first with something he likes: Hot Chicken. Go getone. Get Designer Room number of the Parrot Room first (you'll need thisfor the Succ-U-Bus later to send the chicken). Go to the Fuse room andturn the yellow knob sideways. Get the yellow fuse. This will mess up thechicken dispenser in front of the SGT restaurant. Go to that chicken dispenserand flip the switch for a chicken. Get the chicken.

Q : I'm not fast enough.The chicken get cold when I reach the parrot room. What should I do ?
A : Usethe Succ-U-Bus to send the chicken (you have to throw away the cold chickenfirst. Use the Succ-U- Buss to throw away the chicken). Use your designerroom number for the parrot room to set the destination.

Q : TheSucc-U-Bus doesn't accept the chicken. What should I do ?
A : Useyour napkin first on that chicken to make 'plain' chicken. When you receiveit at the parrot room, use the napkin one more time.

Q : The parrot doesn'twant this hot chicken. What should I do ?
A : Youhave to give him a special chicken, not just hot chicken. Use your napkinon the chicken to get plain chicken, then use the chicken at the middledispenser to coat it with mustard. That should do it, hot chicken withmustard .. hmmmm .. yummy ..

Q: How could I get that stick inside the parrot cage ?
A : Tryto lute the parrot to the leftmost part of the cage with that chicken.After he grab the chicken, quickly get the stick. That's Titania'sCentral Intelligence Core. You have to be quick enough to dothat. Use the save and restore facilities if you have trouble with thisproblem.

Q : Where could I getthe last Titania's parts ?
A : Accordingto the DeskBot, there's something wrong with the RowBot's voice. This mightbe a clue for you. Both parts (Titania's speech center and mouth are locatedin this area, but you have to do something with the season's control panelfirst).

Q: How could I make the season's control panel working ?
A : Goto the fuse room and and stick the green fuse. Turn the green knob. Goto Arboretum. Approach the control panel and change the season to Fall.Hey .. that's another Titania's part. Use the long stick to knock it freefrom the tree. Get the Titania's speech center.

Q : How could I fixthe RowBot's voice ?
A : There'snothing you could do with his voice. In fact you have to get his mouth!! Change the season into winter. The entire place will be frozen. Approachthe RowBot. Hey . he's frozen also. Click on his chest. There're 2 switcheshere.

Q: How could I operate those switches ? Everytime I flip one down, the otherwill flip up ..
A : Use'extra hands' to do that. Use Maitre's Bot's hands to flip the switches.Remember both hands should be empty before you do that. Now the RowBotwill stop singing. Get his mouth. That's Titania'smouth, the last part of Titania. To leave this area, changethe weather to any other weather beside winter.


Main Goals :AssemblyTitania and fly back home
Q : Whatshould I do with these Titania's parts (11 parts of them) ?
A : Goto Titania's room and put them all into Titania. Look at this picture onthe left side to help you. When you have assembly Titania, the door behindit will be opened and you'll enter the Bridge.
Q : What should I do withthat strange machine with helmet on it ?
Starship titanic guideA : That'sthe navigation control. Use the photo from home in the slot and use yourPET to activate the control. On the screen you have to draw a triangularposition (3 points) of the stars based on your photo. Here is how it works.First, choose the first star (any star from your photo) then return tostarview. Find the star (line up the cross and the diamond shape untilthe coordinate light start blinking) and lock (push 'L') the coordinate.Choose the second star and the third star. Do the same sequence, then press'Set Destination'. To help you choosing the easy one, look at this picture.

After all the coordinates has been set, exitthe helmet and go to the wheel. Push 'Go'. Watch the endings.


Titania'sOlfactory CenterBilge RoomMother Succ-U-Bus
Titania'sEyeBroken Elevator (#4)The LiftBot's sphere
Titania'sEarYour 2nd Class RoomPistachios bowl
Titania'sEyeYour 1st Class RoomBroken center light
Titania'sPieceBar (use Pellerator)Shelf behind the counter
Titania'sNoseParrot RoomBroken light fixture
Titania'sEarMusic RoomThe phonograph's ear
Titania'sAuditory CenterRestaurantMaitre'D Bot
Titania'sCentral Intelligence CoreParrot RoomParrot's cage
Titania'sSpeech CenterArboretumTree (Fall season)
Titania'sMouthArboretumRowBot's mouth (Winter)

Copyright @ CRASH Walkthrough'sCollection
Ver 1.1 : September 6, 1998
All Pictures are properties of Simon& Schuster InteractivePocket trains africa layout.

GAMEBOOMER'S Hints, Cheats, and Walkthroughs

Douglas Adams is best known for his five-part trilogy The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, but the late author also dabbled in video games. There was the, as well as Starship Titanic, a video game based on a brief reference in Life, the Universe and Everything, the third book in the series. Unfortunately, while the former is still readily playable in a web browser, the latter has become abandonware, largely unplayable on modern computers. But thankfully that's changed: today, a site that specializes in making classic PC games playable, has released a DRM-free version of Starship Titanic for Windows.First released in 1998, Starship Titanic is a point-and-click adventure that takes place aboard the titular space vessel.

The game begins when the majestic craft crashes into your house. 'You find your way on board. It is like no alien spaceship you have ever imagined. It most resembles a mixture of the Queen Mary, the Ritz, the Chrysler Building and Tutankhamen's tomb, with Venice thrown in for good measure,' explains the game's official site, which.Like most of Adams' work, Titanic is full of both humor and frustration. It features a language parser called SpookiTalk, which lets you talk with the malfunctioning robots that live on the ship. When it works it's great, but it also requires very specific language to progress; it often feels like you're trying to guess what Adams was thinking at the time he designed the game.

It's an experience best enjoyed with a walkthrough handy. If you're brave enough, you can.

Starship Titanic Music Room
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